Make a referral

Make a referral for your patient

If you are a referring doctor,  you are able to refer your patient via this secure and confidential referral form below. Please complete all fields as this will enable us to provide a more efficient service.

If you would rather use a referral pad, please contact us on or phone us on 09-303 5966.

Where you are providing information about yourself, you agree to our collection and use of your personal information in accordance with the CAMRI Privacy Policy. Where you are providing information about another person, you confirm that you have that person’s authorisation to provide their personal information to us, and for us to collect and use that information in accordance with the  CAMRI Privacy Policy.

Patient Booking

If you are a patient, your Specialist will usually send us your referral details.
Please call us on 09-303-5966 to make an appointment if you have not already been advised of a date.
If you are claiming with Southern Cross your referral must be from a Private Specialist and we require your membership number at the time of the booking.
The Centre for Advanced MRI is an Affiliated Provider for Southern Cross Healthcare. Find out more

Phone direct:

09 303 5966

(8.30am-4.30pm weekdays)

Via university:

09 373 7599 ext 83366

(8.30am-4.30pm weekdays)

Via email: